The Fascination of Darts
The Fascination of Darts
- The Story
The Fascination of Darts
Reproduced from 1950 Unicorn Book of Darts
The game of Darts is, without a doubt, one of the most fascinating and useful games ever invented. It has many excellent qualities to commend it to all those who enjoy fun, good companionship, gentle exercise and the exhilaration afforded by prowess, which are the rewards so abundantly showered by the game on its adherents.
Darts are enjoyed by young and old of both sexes, by princes and tramps, by the learned and the illiterate. For the amount of fun and enjoyment it provides the cost involved is negligible and the game is so adaptable that it can be played indoors or out, in the home, in hotels, in clubs, in works canteens, at festivals, fairs, in short anywhere, where at least two people meet together.
It is just the thing when friends or neighbours turn up, unexpectedly or on purpose, in crowded cities with overpowering attractions, or in remote places, where other amusements are scarce.
The winner is always a hero and his achievement is a challenge which cannot be resisted. Thus, win or lose, darts always retain their fascination and a game of darts is guaranteed to refresh anyone in mind and body.